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Wojciech Maj

JavaScript/React developer, Chief Technology Officer @ Rewardo, Principal Software Engineer @ intive, Maintainer of React-PDF, React-Calendar & more.

Total received$63

Unofficial adapter for React 17 for Enzyme.

Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images.

A datetime picker for your React app.

An analog clock for your React app.

Ultimate calendar for your React app.

A function that merges given class names, no matter their format: string with single or multiple class names or an array of class names. Filters out invalid class names as well.

Returns an object with on-event callback props curried with provided args.

Make any Promise cancellable.

Unofficial fork of enzyme-adapter-utils with added support for React 17.

A collection of date-related utilities.

Funded by(11)$16

Shared with(30)$41