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StrongLoop and IBM API Connect

API lifecycle from creation to management

Total received$225

Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Native access to MacOS FSEvents in Node.js

Baseline eslint configuration for StrongLoop modules

A Node.js Version of Foreman

Error handler for use in development (debug) and production environments.

LoopBack's ESLint shareable configs.

LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations.

Browse and test your LoopBack app's APIs

Convention-based bootstrapper for LoopBack applications

strong-globalize is built on Unicode CLDR and jquery/globalize and implements automatic extraction of strings from JS source code and HTML templates, lint the string resource, machine-translate them in seconds. In runtime, it loads locale and string resource into memory and provides a hook to persistent logging.

Funded by(39)$45

Shared with(84)$107