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AndrΓ© Staltz

Total given$72


Total received$27

An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript

πŸ‘œ Tiny and fast reactive/iterable programming library

πŸ‘œ Utility function for plugging callbags together in chain

πŸ‘œ Convert an iterable or iterator to a callbag pullable source

πŸ‘œ Callbag sink that consume both pullable and listenable sources

πŸ‘œ Callbag operator that limits the total amount of data sent through

πŸ‘œ Callbag operator that conditionally lets data pass through

πŸ‘œ Callbag operator that applies a transformation on data passing through it

πŸ‘œ Create a Callbag listenable source from events on a DOM node

Funded by(12)$18

Shared with(41)$9