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Ryan Day

Total received$73

qr code generator

change events for any file descriptors that are referenced by a watched path or were referenced by a watched path for as long as they are active

Walk a directory tree emitting events based on the contents. API compatable with node-findit. Walk a tree of any depth. Fast! Handles permission errors. Stoppable. windows support. Pull requests are awesome. watchers are appreciated.

a canvas utility for applying transforms whilst iterating pixels

Lexicographically compare two buffers.

parse the .git/config file into a useful data structure

this renders a simple javascript object structure into xml/html. js objects are easier to modify than strings so no need to parse a whole dom to reliably add a few elements. while this could support async callbacks it doesn't. if people need it i will be happy to add support.

provides `registry.selectGrammar` for dependents that need it like highlghts.

binary search for sorted javascript arrays||array like obejcts. provides method to create sorted index of objects.

Funded by(21)$10

Shared with(34)$51