This simulation of StackAid shows a year's worth of funding by 5K users. Learn more
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Into distributed systems, moving data between peers, and mixed reality.

Fediverse: ``

Total received$20

Take all the key-value pairs in an object and return a new object with the keys prefixed

Parse out gemini pages and convert them to HTML

Load data from the Gemini protocol the way you would fetch from HTTP in JavaScript

Interact with Bittorrent the same way you would websites via fetch()

Use the same `fetch()` API browsers provide for HTTP, but for IPFS

Implementation of Fetch that uses the Hyper SDK for loading p2p content

Implement your own `fetch()` with async iterators.

Resolves a file within a dat archive based on how web browsers would load it

Converts an MQTT topic with parameters into a regular expression.

Implementation of the hyperswarm API for use in web browsers

Funded by(6)$1

Shared with(24)$6