This simulation of StackAid shows a year's worth of funding by 5K users. Learn more
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Mike Bostock

Building a better computational medium. Co-founder @observablehq. Creator @d3. Former @nytgraphics. Pronounced BOSS-tock.

Total received$192

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. bar_chartchart_with_upwards_trendtada

Evaluate asynchronous tasks with configurable concurrency.

A cross-platform streaming parser for the ESRI Shapefile spatial data format.

Generate a tiny preamble from a package.json.

SMASH TOGETHER MULTIPLE FILES [deprecated; try rollup/rollup]

An extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology! 🌐

Rewrite JavaScript to escape any non-ASCII characters in string literals.

Convert a JSON object to an ES6 module.

Yet another async-await helper for tape.

Map and Set with automatic key interning

Funded by(48)$48

Shared with(26)$57