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(͡·̮̃·̃) 如今撸码,像是早上起来需要刷牙一样的习惯。
Total given$56


Total received$58

➷ A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no dependencies.

A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser localStorage , it is easy to pick up and use, has a reasonable footprint 2.36kb(gzipped: 1.04kb), and has no dependencies.

React component to listen to keydown and keyup keyboard events, defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts.

A higher order component for loading components with dynamic imports.

Generates HTML5 Cache Manifest files

Add a banner to the string. Get one-line/multi-line comment banner based on package.json.

loudspeaker JS achieve the browser title flashing, scrolling, voice prompts, Chrome/Safari/FireFox/IE notice. has no dependencies. It not interfere with any JavaScript libraries or frameworks. has a reasonable footprint 5.05kb (gzipped: 1.75kb)

ಠ_ಠ Terminal string styling done right.

TSBB is a zero-config CLI that helps you develop, test, and publish modern TypeScript project. @tsbbjs

Language code example & sample.

Funded by(10)$9

Shared with(39)$34