This simulation of StackAid shows a year's worth of funding by 5K users. Learn more
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Ionică Bizău (Johnny B.)

Programmer, Geek, Pianist & Organist, Learner, Mentor, Dreamer, Vegetarian, Jesus follower, Founder @Bloggify

Total received$97

Get the package.json content either from npm or from a git repository.

v A high level git url parser for common git providers.

tv A low level parser for ANSI sequences.

floppy_disk A Node.js module that converts images to ASCII art.

expressionless Get all the matches for a regular expression in a string.

negative_squared_cross_mark Asciifies a matrix of pixels.

video_camera A Node.JS module, which provides an object oriented wrapper for the YouTube v3 API.

Edit a json file with ease.

rocket Unit testing made simple and fun: flat colors and emoji in your tests.

octocat Parse and stringify git urls in a friendly way.

Funded by(26)$19

Shared with(26)$17