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Henrik Joreteg

Independent Progressive Web App developer, consultant, author, educator, and immigrant. 

Always betting on the Web.

Total received$85

Simple abstraction for handling differences between browsers for attaching a media stream to a video element

A super lightweight EventEmitter similar to what comes in Node.js, but with a support for wildcard events '*'

Cross-browser getUserMedia shim with a node.js style error-first API

Browser module to detect support for WebRTC and extract proper constructors.

Dead simple string slugification (a. la. django) for node and the broswer.

Parses well-formed HTML (meaning all tags closed) into an AST and back. quickly.

A package.json file scrubber for the truly insane.

Module to wrap try-catch for better performance and cleaner API.

Config file reader for node.js projects that detects environment based on NODE_ENV.

An object with all the same methods as console in the browser. But the methods are just empty functions.

Funded by(20)$12

Shared with(20)$9