This simulation of StackAid shows a year's worth of funding by 5K users. Learn more
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Lloyd Brookes

English javascript fan with 23 years professional experience as an engineer, architect and director. Life-long creative. Hobbyist programmer since 1985.

Total received$113

A mature, feature-complete library to parse command-line options.

Cross-platform home directory retriever

A simple, data-driven module for creating a usage guide.

Isomorphic function to convert a bytes value (e.g. 3456) to a human-readable string ('3.5 kB')

A simple, isomorphic library containing all known terminal ansi escape codes and sequences.

Isomorphic, load-anywhere arrayify function

Minimal, extensible test runner.

Rename files in bulk.

Lightweight, use-anywhere toolkit for working with array data

Isomorphic, functional type-checking for Javascript

Funded by(28)$60

Shared with(22)$29