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Angelos Pikoulas

Sentior Full Stack Software Engineer, profficient @ JavaScript/TypeScript, Angular/Redux/Observables, Node/NestJS/TypeORM/GraphQL, loves Open Sourcing greatness

Total received$73

A proxy to `path`, replacing `\` with `/` for all results & methods to add, change, default, trim file extensions.

A sync glob / minimatch call with a gruntjs -like `expand` of patterns, with minimum depepndencies. Derived from gruntjs's v0.4.1 `file.expand`.

uRequire ResourceConverter that injects a `var VERSION = 'x.x.x'` where its needed.

Automagically generates and runs Specs using mocha, chai & phantomjs after running a `lib` and a `specs` build in [uRequire]( running on grunt.

An anorthodox, extensible, overloaded facade experiment of underscore facilities & leftovers.

The Ultimate JavaScript Module Builder & Automagical Task Runner. Convert AMD & CommonJS/NodeJS modules to UMD, AMD, CommonJS or bundle them as `combined.js` (rjs & almond, AMDclean soon) & automagically run/test/watch them on nodejs, Web/AMD or Web/Script. Declarative & DRY config with inheritance. Manipulate & inject dependencies, module code, banners, version etc while building with a single line. Support two kinds of plugins, ResourceConverter (i.e file level) and AfterBuilder (i.e the whole bundle). Transparent support for Coffeescript, IcedCoffeescript, Coco, LiveScript – they’re just JavaScript :-)

Funded by(13)$46

Shared with(16)$26